Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photography with a Passion

After you have seen a number of my posts in my blog here, u might start wondering HOW, WHY and WHAT makes me going into photography. Photography is an interest which you do it with passion. As most people would say " A photograph paints thousand of words".


This book is not that thick as you see in this photo but it contains the basic photography skills information you need to shoot regardless if you are using a digital camera or a DSLR. Although this book says that it only takes 21 days to guide you to become a professional photographer, a lot practice in photography is needed.

You can't find this book anywhere in Malaysia's bookstores as Canon is not selling this. After finished mastering the book, i began shooting my first picture.


A picture of an orchid flower taken at the garden outside my house. This is where photography passion begins...


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